Wednesday May 1, 2024

John 15:1-8

A very happy Wednesday to you. I hope your eyes also fall on this beautiful scripture from St John and then pinch yourself. Is he talking about someone else, or me? Yes it is you “you have been pruned already.” You are ready to take on the mystery of life and it is an interesting one.

I am currently studying for a promotional test and I sometimes feel like I am not ready at all. The mere thought of the 100 questions is enough to paralyze me. Hey, you are ready!

We all have to hear this at some point in our lives and for some of us, hear it many times in our lives. You have been pruned already, that is you are ready! All the lessons of joy and sorrow that your little, precious life has been through is to prepare you for the phase you are in. So trust and step out, it will be well. It may be different but you got this.

Remember the disciples did not have to be perfect before they proclaimed that they had seen the Lord. They just went out in faith and blundered their way into making a beautiful church. Someone once told me concerning marriage that nothing prepares you for it but being married. No joke!!


Thursday May 3, 2024


Tuesday April 30 2024